There is no better time than the present to begin planning for your future.

Wills and Trusts LLC is a family-operated law firm that offers estate planning services and professional guidance on probate and trust administration. Our office has helped hundreds of clients to direct the distribution of their property after death and better manage their legal and financial affairs during life.

Our Services


Set forth your wishes about how your assets will be distributed after your death.


Trusts can facilitate the easy transfer of your assets to your beneficiaries without court intervention and help secure your wishes for future generations.

Trust Administration Icon

Trust Administration

Let us help you administer your trust during your life and distribute property after your death as you have directed.


We offer legal representation during the court process of transferring assets from a deceased person to their heirs, beneficiaries, and legatees.

Power of Attorney

Authorize someone else to act on your behalf in important financial and legal matters.

Medical Directives

Determine specific medical decisions that will be enacted if you are incapacitated.

Our Team

Our team of passionate attorneys offers both deep expertise and a caring personal touch. Leveraging the important lessons and successes of long careers, we help to proactively preserve the wealth of you and your family – not just now, but for generations to come. 

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