Medical Directive

Medical Directives

You have a right to participate in decisions regarding your health care. Doctors ask whether you will accept a particular treatment. What happens if you are sick and unable to participate in these decisions? This is what an Advance Medical Directive does to the following: An advance medical directive directs how end-of-life decisions should be made and appoints an agent to speak to healthcare providers. There are usually three parts to a Medical Directive:

  • The Living Will
  • Power of Attorney for Healthcare
  • Organ Donation Form
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Your Questions Answered

  • The Living Will says what treatment you want and don’t want. In it, you decide what is done if there is no reasonable expectation of your recovery even if medical care providers use life-sustaining procedures, your death is imminent, you are in a persistent vegetative state, or in an end-stage condition and have already suffered irreversible, permanent deterioration.

    You can say if you wish to be put on life support. You say if you want to be revived if you stop breathing or if your heart stops beating. You say if you want to be fed through tubes inserted into your body in such circumstances. A custom drawn Living Will can also say if you are allergic to certain medications, if you may want a specific doctor to attend to you, and other facts unique to your health and situation.

    It is a good way to make sure your religious and personal beliefs will be respected. It speaks for you when you cannot.

  • The Power of Attorney for Healthcare allows you to appoint who you want to make healthcare decisions for you if you cannot do so on your own. Unlike other Powers of Attorney, it is not about legal or financial matters.

    You may appoint a member of your family or a trusted friend to speak up for you when you can no longer decide for yourself. Your Healthcare agent is empowered to see that doctors and other healthcare providers give you the care you want and do not give you treatment against your wishes.

    Your Power of Attorney for Healthcare can direct your agent to try to communicate with you about any decision, if you can communicate at all. It may authorize your Agent to employ or discharge your healthcare providers. Your Agent can sign you in, transfer you, or discharge you from any hospital or medical care facility. It may authorize your Agent to sign “Do Not Resuscitate” orders and other documents and releases required to accept or refuse certain medical treatments.

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