Afro hispanic-latino father and daughter together at home.

Trust Administration

Trust administration is the process of carrying out the instructions in the trust about how property is to be managed and/or distributed. Often, trusts are administered along with the probate proceedings for property not titled in the name of the trust prior to the death of the Settlor (legal term that describes the creator of the trust).

Wills and Trusts LLC has a growing practice in trust administration. Our lawyers simplify the complexity of administering a trust by analyzing the trust instrument, including the Settlors’ objectives and the provisions about distribution and management of trust property.  Many of our clients are the successor Trustees in trusts prepared by Wills and Trusts LLC. Other clients come from trusts prepared by another attorney.

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Your Questions Answered

  • The trust contains instructions about how trust property is to be managed and distributed as well as direction as to who is in charge. Trust administration is the process of carrying out these trust provisions.

  • When the Settlor dies, the trust becomes irrevocable which means it cannot be changed. It is important to incorporate a Trust Protector into your agreement before the Settlor passes away so that person or entity can make substantive changes to the trust if necessary to achieve the Settlor’s objectives or adapt to changes in the law.

  • The time to administer a trust depends on the provisions of the trust itself.  Outright distributions can usually be made within the first year after the death of the Settlor. Long-term distributions are made when an event occurs (e.g., marriage, birth of a child, graduation from college, etc.) or at specific ages of the beneficiaries.

  • After our initial consultation, we will need you to send us the trust instrument so we can gauge the complexity and time needed to properly administer the trust as well as documentation of the trust assets to be distributed and/or managed.

  • Wills and Trusts LLC works with trustees and trusts established in or governed by the laws of Maryland, Virginia, or the District of Columbia.

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